On Wednesday, there was a going away party for me, Judy, and Suzanne. Suzanne is going to another branch to be a Children's Librarian, a job that I envy. I love childrens and young adult books and would kill for this job. Sadly, without a degree, I would never even be considered for the job despite my knowledge and experience. Such is life. Suzanne will do a great job. She is animated and enthusiastic. Judy has taken a part time job at Headquarters in the processing department. She is very detail oriented and knowledgeable and will be wonderful. Both of these great women will be missed horribly at Syracuse. I have another week of work before I leave for Orem. I can't help feeling bad for my boss Deanna. She has to find the replacements for three people and hire a new circulation person. Yuck; that is a lot of interviews. Anyway, at the going away party we had cake, ice cream, cookies, chips, and salsa. Wednesday was Judy's last day and Thursday was Suzanne's last day. Despite the sadness of the occassion, the cake was excellent and I did manage to get good pictures of both Deanna and Judy.

On Friday I had an interview for a secretary job in Provo. I must admit that I hate interviews. I know that I can do the job, but it is hard to convey this information to the interviewer. What I want to say is this: "I can do this job. If you hire me, you will be very pleased with the job that I do. You will never regret it and will be sorry when I leave for another job. Just give me a chance." Of course, you can't just say such things without sounding incredibly pig-headed and insane. Grrr.
After the interview I emptied my car of some boxes and unpacked some of my books. On my way back from Provo, I remembered that I needed to get an oil change. Luckily, the car dealership had an open appointment. After they had emptied my car of oil, they informed me that I had a rather large crack in my oil pan and it had to be replaced. Three hundred dollars and two hours later, I was on my way home with a new oil pan. Friday night I drove down to the Gateway and met up with Ryan.

He took me out to dinner, then we went to the Planetarium for a light show. In the building is an amazing, complex, perpetual motion machine (pictures are included in this blog entry.) After the light show I was a little sick to my stomach so we walked around in the cold and talked. We ended up at the Skybox for a yummy cookie/ice cream dessert. I always love spending time with Ryan because he makes me laugh and think at the same time.
On Saturday morning, Dad and I went to the temple for baptisms. There were two big groups there so we only were able to do conformations. Dad and I realized that we wouldn't have time to wait an hour to do baptisms so we left and had breakfast. I got to work five minutes late and worked until 6pm. It was an insane day. One of the circulation people went home sick, so Suzy and I ran the last half of the shift. We stayed late and still left three full carts of books for Monday.

There is nothing so scary as a busy library run by a skeleton crew. Because of the busy day and the fog, I got home 45 minutes late and missed the adult Saturday session of Stake Conference.