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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A sign
I have been driving up to school for the last month but a week ago I started to notice some signs. I don't know what they mean but I thought they were nice. I finally took a picture of one. There are a few on telephone poles and a few on signs stuck into the dirt at the side of the road. Finally, a reason to smile while driving to school. :)

The icky cold

Monday, September 25, 2006
Another cool card
Thursday, September 21, 2006
A new ring
Not that many people will care, but I bought a new ring. I love jewlery, especially rings. Without a ring on my right hand it feels naked. A few weeks ago I decided to buy a new ring and after shopping around, I decided on a CTR spinner ring.

Mom's birthday

I'm just glad that everyone brought food so I didn't have to do it all. Anyway, I managed to get some good pictures. Mom said that it was one of her best birthdays ever. Yeh for us! It was nice to see everyone and how much the babies have grown. Thanks for everyones help.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Saturday, September 16, 2006
The lamp
When I got home on Friday night, the power was out at our house. It was actually a planned outage of the entire town. It was really strange to see no lights on main street or 2nd north. When I got home, I lit the kerosine lamp so that I could get ready for bed. For some reason, I decided to take some pictures of it using different settings on my camera. Here they are:

Thursday and Friday
On my way to visit a friend in West Kaysville, I noticed a lot of smoke coming from the mountainside to the north. I pulled over and took a picture. It turned out that a woman had decided to burn some dead debris and it got out of control. 400 acres and an arrest later, the fire was put out by firefighters and a lot of help from buckets of rain. I went to work on Thursday night and did homework after coming home.
On Friday, I went to school amongst rain. Literary Criticism was its usual excitement. The discussion of "Jane Eyre" was finished in my Victorian Literature class. I love my teacher, Dr. Rogers. He has good insights and a good sense of humor. In my History of Christianity class we discussed the popular rise of hermits and the first monastery. For those interested, St. Anthony was the first famous hermit. The first man to build the first monastery was Pachomius, who lived from 292 - 348 AD.
After school I came home and did some reading for school. Alison dropped by with her darling son. She and Jordan left Isaac with Mom and I while they went to see a movie. Isaac and I read the paper together before he fell asleep. Mom made chicken pot pie (yummy) and Josh, Brooke, Jordan, Alison, and Emily (Alison's sister) joined us for dinner. I only ate a little since I knew that I would be going out to dinner with friends. Still raining, Ryan and I ventured out to Paces DairyAnn for food, then to John's to eat. Then John, Lawyer Ryan, Best Friend Ryan, and I went down to Bryan and Bald Ryan's house in John's car. (I think I know too many people named Ryan :) We stayed until a little after midnight but took a long time getting home because of the weather. There's nothing like hyroplaning on the Interstate to really get your blood pumping. I was glad that I wasn't driving. Ryan really kept his cool and got us home safe. All in all; a good night.

Friday, September 15, 2006
X-men Quiz

Rogue is a strong but tragic personality. She loves Gambit. Because of her mutant powers, she cannot touch anyone without hurting them. Therefore, she longs for human contact. However, this southern gal's strong personality has allowed her to deal with this. Powers: Absorbs lifeforce and powers by touch, Super strength, and flight
Rogue 60%
Nightcrawler 55%
Jean Grey 55%
Storm 50%
Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The weekend
Friday started out with another exciting round of classes. In Literary Criticism, we discussed poetry terms. In Victorian Lit we continued with our discussion of "Jane Eyre." According to my teacher, "Jane is Harry Potter." Some of the members of the class decided that this saying is going to be our catch-phrase for the semester. What the teacher meant is that the similarities in being an orphan, who is treated horribly by relations, and then goes to school is very strong. The Victorian novel is a prime example of "uppity teens," which are still written about today (think David Copperfield, Elizabeth Bennet, etc.)
In my History is Christianity class, we had a class discussion about Plato's influence on the writings of the early Christians. While they didn't live in the same time period, the idea of logic was still important when the early Christians (think 150 AD) were trying to figure out doctorine.
Ryan and I started Friday night by visiting his new nephew at the hospital. Steven and Stefanie are the parents of a darling boy named Keaton Laser Reid. Born on Thursday, he weighed 7 lb, 11 oz. I took a picture of he and his uncle. Afterwards, we went to a birthday party for Big Kyle. We started the celebration for my cute Air Force friend by eating at Iggy's in Layton. Eating together are (from the left side) Ryan, Bree, Corey and his wife, Kyle, lawyer Ryan, John, Katie, Tanya, Caleb, and I.
Afterwards, we went to his apartment for cake and presents. Then we went out for some more fun. A couple of friends from Salt Lake didn't make it up and were missed. When I got home, the power was out. It was a planned outage because the city was working on the power grid west of I-15.
On Saturday, we all got ready for a visit from Aunt Linda and Uncle David. They had flown in late on Thursday night. I love these relatives but I don't get to see them that often. A big family dinner followed with some interuptions from some cute babies. We were not only celebrating a visit from Aunt Linda and Uncle David, but Jeremy's birthday.
For his birthday, I decided to give him the gift of time. I decided to babysit Sid and Wy on a Saturday to let their parents take an evening for themselves. A gift for my brother, although I think that it was a little selfish of me. I love spending time with my nieces and nephews.

Ryan and I started Friday night by visiting his new nephew at the hospital. Steven and Stefanie are the parents of a darling boy named Keaton Laser Reid. Born on Thursday, he weighed 7 lb, 11 oz. I took a picture of he and his uncle. Afterwards, we went to a birthday party for Big Kyle. We started the celebration for my cute Air Force friend by eating at Iggy's in Layton. Eating together are (from the left side) Ryan, Bree, Corey and his wife, Kyle, lawyer Ryan, John, Katie, Tanya, Caleb, and I.

Thursday, September 07, 2006
I thought this was an interesting sight: www.indexed.blogspot.com
This blogger has made different types of graphs on index cards and posted them. Here's an example:
This blogger has made different types of graphs on index cards and posted them. Here's an example:

Seeing friends

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The longest word
The longest word in most English dictionaries is "Pneumonoultramicroscropicsilicovolcanoconiosis," which refers to a lung disease. Now we all just have to learn how to pronounce it :)
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Saturday recap

Mom, Jen, and Alison started the process of making Salsa while I tried to clean up the yard and part of the house for the bridal shower. After cleaning up and playing with the babies, I decided to take a short nap. The short half hour nap turned into an hour and a half. When I was finally awakened, I had 15 minutes to take a shower before the bridal shower began. After a quick shower, I ran down to try to help the Allreds set up. After Trisha's bridal shower I went to meet up with Ryan's family. One of his nieces, Danielle, was baptized on Saturday and the Reid family got together for dinner. Afterwards, Ryan and I went to Barnes and Noble, then to pick up John for some fun.

The three of us then went to someone's house for a farewell party for Curtis. He will be gone to Qatar until January. It was nice to hang out with John, Ryan, Curtis, and Kyle again. They are such funny guys. By the end of the night, my stomach hurt from laughing so much. We left a little early because some of us were tired. I ended the night watching an episode of "Monk," a hilarious show about an obsessive-compulsive detective.

Friday, September 01, 2006
Red Butte Gardens

Tomorrow, we are hosting a bridal shower for a friend of ours. Trisha is getting married in October to a nice man named Kim. Tomorrow night I hope to go to a farewell party for Curtis.
Jen and Alison by the Pond

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