I attended the General Relief Society Session on Saturday night. Granted, most people wouldn't find it the coolest way to spend a Saturday night, but I thought it was great. Sister Beck, the President, spoke first. She discussed being strong in our faith, our family, and providing relief to others. After a song, the 2nd counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency spoke about the two reasons the Relief Society was founded: to relieve the poor and to save souls.

One way we can do this is through visiting teaching. I must admit that I do not always do my visiting teaching, but I am recommitting to 100% for October. Barbara Thompson, the 2nd counselor, was especially helpful for me. As a single woman in the church, Sister Thompson discussed how we can support families despite not having children of our own. The final speaker of the night was Pres. Thomas S. Monson. He honored the women of the church and discussed three goals: studying diligently, praying earnestly, and serving willingly. One thing that Pres. Monson said that really stuck with me is this: "pray for the abilities equal to your tasks instead of tasks that are equal to your abilities."
After the session, our stake provided a light dinner and we walked around looking at the art. A few weeks before the session, the Stake RS presidency asked for us to bring art to share. Sarah took some paintings and I took two skirts, a book I had made, and a box I had painted.

I love Sarah's paintings. She decided to take her swirly painting, her brown, green, and white striped painting, and her streaked painting. One of the coolest pieces of art there was made by a member of my singles ward. Amy Pectol had drawn a wonderful picture of Mary and Christ. I have included a picture of it in this blog entry.
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