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Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas on Friday

On Friday, the whole clan got together for a Christmas celebration. I was a little late because I had to work until 6. Dinner was just about to start when I arrived. After an excellent dinner of twice-baked potatoes, ham, rolls, and salad, we unwrapped gifts. It was so cute to see the babies try to unwrap a gift. They all ended up trying to eat the wrapping paper. Sidney was confused as to why she didn't have as many gifts as other people until I explained that she would be getting more at her house on Christmas day. I received clothes, some books, and dishes including tupperware and glassware. (There are times I think that being an adult isn't that fun :)

After a great many presents were opened, we had some wonderful desserts provided by Josh and Britnie. Brit made some amazing chocolate/Carmel cake and Josh made, so I hear, some wonderful fruit pie/tarts. All in all, it was a wonderful night.

1 comment:

J said...

It was a great time, I love Johnsen family Christmas.