In Sunday school, our class had a discussion about the Millennium. For those who are unaware, the Millennium is the period of time after Christ returns to the Earth. It can be hard to discuss something that is going to happen in the future. The general idea is there, but the specifics are not. For example, we are taught that once the Millennium begins, disease will not plague the human race. Does this mean that those who are suffering from disease, even terminal ones, will be automatically cured when Christ comes? Also, in Doctrine and Covenants 101:29, it says that we will have no sorrow. But we are taught that without sorrow, we can't really experience joy. Hmm; it's an interesting dilemma. Luckily, I don't have to worry about the details of Millennium. I know that once I die, my questions can be answered.
Anyway, the Relief Society lesson was a hard one. It was #14 in the Joseph Smith manual which is entitled "Words of hope and consolation at the time of death." I was ok until the teacher began talking about children who have died. I couldn't sit and listen with memories of Caleb pressing against my skull. While the pain lessens through the years, I don't think I will every be able to hear a lesson like that without feeling a little pain. I took a little walk to clear my head and then returned to Relief Society.
All in all, I really like going to church. When I was younger, I will admit that I went because my parents took me. But I go now for myself. Even when Sarah isn't here and no one would judge me, I still go because it make me feel good. What I learn at church makes me a better person. Thus ends my little soapbox sermon for the day. I wish you all a good Sunday.
I had to teach that RS lesson! It was a hard one. I even called Alison to get her opinions on some things that people should/should not say to someone who has lost a child. It turned out well, I think, but it is one that I will never forget teaching.
I was asked to teach that class, but politely declined. If they had wanted me to stand in front of class and sob for 45 minutes I would have considered it. Megan, what a great idea to obtain Alison's input. It would be great to have heard what she said. I am sure I said stupid things without thinking during Caleb's illness.
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