I have completed my first week of work and I am finally think I'm getting the hang of it. I understand the e-mail, IM, and calender systems. On Friday, some of the people in the office had a marshmallow fight at 5pm. We divided into teams and used marshmallow guns that you blow into. It was fun. (I've included a picture of an example of a marshmallow gun.
Since it's just made of PVC pipe, I'm considering making one of my own.) I left after 20 minutes so that I could go tour a house. I heard about an open room in a house within the ward boundaries that I'd thought I would check out. (Before anyone starts worrying that Sarah and I aren't getting along, remember that she is going to France in January and I have to look for another place to live.) It looked pretty good. The house has five bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. It also has a kitchen, dining room, family room, living room, and a garage. The rent's decent (utilities are included) and it will be nice not having to worry about trying to find a place to live once Sarah leaves. I will be going over later tonight to check it out a second time.

As for work, I was finally able to sit down with my main boss, MJ, and get some assignments. He has been so busy preparing for a big conference that we haven't really had time to to discuss my responsibilities. My other boss, RJ, has given me the assignment of gathering info for the EEO-1 report. This is the first one that CR has had to file since they've always had less than 50 employees. I can probably now explain the reason why I have to gather information on ethnicity and gender in my sleep since I've been asked so many times. My job is different every day. For example, today I had to find a chair that didn't have arms for a bigger client. Since I was unable to find such a chair in the entire company, I ended up talking the arms and back off a chair. I ended up creating a fairly comfortable stool, but it worked. That was just one of the interesting things I did. I am getting to know new people (and remembering their names.)
That is so great that you are already feeling comfortable after only a week. It used to take me a good month before I even liked my job.
I love the idea of the marshmallow gun fight. I really need to learn how to make those for my boys!
Oh man! Those marshmallow guns are so much fun!
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