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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My plants are growing!
Memorial Day
Myspace in The Onion
Sunday, May 27, 2007
full finished skirt

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
My new skirt

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
A visit to the doctor (and Jen)

Last Wednesday, May 16th, I left work at 11:15 am to go to a doctor's appointent in Salt Lake. Dr. Katz is really nice, for an opthomologist, and I really like the new Moran Eye Center. He said that my eyes are progressing at a little faster than normal but it will still be a couple of decades before I go blind. Yeh! We did the regular eye exam, a visual field test, and a pressure test. I took a picture of the sign in the waiting room but it didn't turn out as well as I would have hoped. Before my appointment I had lunch with Jen and Lauren. We went to an excellent bakery, of which I cannot remember the name of. We then sat on the grass and talked a little. I love talking to Jen.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Jessica the receptionist

Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Babysitting Lauren

Friday, May 11, 2007
Tanner's blessing
On Sunday, May 6th, my newest darling nephew was blessed. Tanner Cole was blessed by his father, Josh. I sadly missed it. My story starts at 8 am in the morning when I arose, had breakfast, and dressed for the occasion. I then went over to Diane and Larry's house to take care of Dexter the dog. I unlocked the front door, set my keys on the dining room table and then gave Dexter his medicine and food. Afterwards, I went out the front door and put him in his kennel. When I returned, I found the front door locked. Since I had unlocked it fifteen minutes earlier, I couldn't understand what had happened. I went across the street to the neighbor's house to ask for their key and no one answered my repeated doorbell rings and knocks. I then went around the tried every door and window on Diane and Larry's house to see if any were unlocked. Fort Knox would have been easier to break into. I returned to my car, which I had mercifully left unlocked and called Larry's cell phone. I hated to bother them in Europe but I had no way of getting home or into their house. I was hoping there was a hidden key somewhere. Alas, it was not to be. He called his son's wife's sister and she brought a key over. In the meantime, a nice neighbor who was walking her dog kept me company. I will have to take her some cookies some day. By the time I left Orem it was 10:45. Since the blessing took place in a sacrament meeting that began at 11 am, I knew I wouldn't make it. I cried a little then resolved to make the best of a bad situation and drive 75 miles per hour the whole way. I got to the chapel after the blessing but still got to sit with my family. After Tanner's blessing, we all made our way to Mom and Dad's house for a great meal and wonderful company. The weather had cleared so we were able to have it outside. The babies, Lauren, Isaac, Wyatt, and Tanner kept us all entertained. I left Kaysville around 7pm in order to get back for ward prayer. I made it back to Orem a little early and went to take Dexter into the house. When I went to the church for ward prayer, there was no one there. They had canceled it. Such was my Sunday.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Caleb's birthday
on Saturday. The family met at the gravesite. In attendance were my parents, Alison's parents, Emily and Erin, Jeremy Lowe and his girlfriend, Me, Jen and Lauren, Josh, Brooke and Tanner, Jordan, Alison, and Isaac. I stopped by the store on my way and bought a balloon. I made a card and expressed my feelings towards my beloved nephew. We met, sang happy birthday, and had some cupcakes. It was hard but theraputic. We would have stayed longer but it was so cold. I still really miss Caleb. I cry less and don't think about him constantly, but I still wonder if he would be walking and talking. My consolation is that he isn't in any pain. He is surrounded by love and happiness. When we all left, I sat in my car for a moment and cried.
The rain started coming down so the Johnsen side of the group went up to Grandma Johnsen's house and talked for about an hour. Lauren and Isaac crawled around. They are so cute. Tanner was darling although he got al ittle crancky after a while. I managed to calm him down with some old Frank Sinatra songs. Afterwards, we went to lunch at Plates and Palates. They always have such wonderful food. After everyone else left, Mom, Dad, and I went up to the hospital to see Grandma Johnsen. It seems like I only see her there these days. I wish she wasn't so sick. I drove back in the evening to take care of Dexter. I was so tired by the time I got home that I took a nap. When I woke up, Camille was home. She was soon picked up by Dave. I spent the night cleaning and watching tv. Such was my Saturday.
Friday and a missing roommate

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Right now I am sitting at the receptionists desk, typing because I have nothing else that I can do. The receptionist is at lunch and there was no one to replace her today. My mountain of work is sitting at my desk in the HR department, but I am not allowed to bring some of that sensitive information out into the open area. I don't have access to my work e-mail or other programs that I could work on. So I sit, waiting for her return so that I may go to lunch myself and then race back to my own work. Even as I type, I am making mental lists of what I will tackle first and what needs to be completed by the end of work today. Hopefully my loyal readers will not have been too annoyed by this impromptu post.