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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Goodbye Camille
A week ago, Camille mentioned to me that she was going to start looking for a new place to live for August. She needed to start now so that she could be in BYU approved housing by the time school started. "Okey, dokey" I replied. On Tuesday she told me that she was quiting her job and looking for another one. "Ok" I replied. On Thursday she told me that she had found an apartment and said she would probably move into it in a few days because she wanted to take a class during summer semester. "Let me know when and where so I can help" was my answer. On Thursday Camille told me that she was most likely moving sometime on Saturday. I said "let me know what time because I need to make a car appointment for sometime Saturday." "Ok" was Camille's reply. When I got home on Friday, Camille had moved all of her stuff out of the apartment. The dresser was empty, the toothbrush and hair stuff was gone, some of her food was gone from the fridge, freezer, and pantry, and her sheets and comforter were gone from her bed. She and her boyfriend, Dave, had moved everything on Friday afternoon to her new apartment. She is now living a block south of BYU and has a job somewhere on campus. What a difference a week makes! I went from two roommates to one. Such is life I suppose. I will miss Camille. She was very nice person. Luckily, she isn't that far away.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Father's Day and two birthdays
This Sunday was Father's Day. The entire family, including cousin Wade and his family, met at my parents home to celebrate. We celebrated Father's Day for my own father, Jeremy, John, Josh, Jordan, and Wade, along with the birthdays of Lauren and Isaac. What a wonderful time we had. We had a great meal that included garlic mashed potatoes, grilled turkey, salad, and rolls. The chocolate birthday cake was excellent. I managed to get pictures of both Lauren and Isaac enjoying the books that I gave them. Wade, Amy, Abagail, and Liam were a delight to see. It has been a couple of years since they have ventured to Utah and we were all happy to see them. I have included just a few of the pictures that I took that day on this blog entry. 

On a more personal note, I would like to wish my father a very happy Father's Day. I couldn't ask for a better dad (even my friends think so.) Some of the aspect I love the best about my father are his sense of humor, artisit eye, willingness to help others, and his love of his family. (Also, before anyone says anything, I realize that I don't have a picture of Dad on this blog entry.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
New skirt

Who wouldn't want Carl on their answering machine?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Saturday with part of the family

Monday, June 11, 2007
Every year Orem has something called Summerfest. I had never heard of it before this year but saw the flier in the newspaper and heard about it from Sarah. Last Friday, I decided that it would be fun to go. When five o'clock rolled around, I decided that the 45 hours I had worked that week was enough and went home. Sarah was there and we decided to go to Summerfest. We called around to get a group together but only Jake and Happy ended up joining us. Summerfest is one of those small town carnivals that has rides, food, and boothes where vendors sell their wares. It was fun to walk around. Sarah and Happy got lost in the crowd so Jake and I wandered around, then met up with Sarah to eat dinner. (Happy was tired and went home.) By 8pm we had had enough Summerfest fun and returned to our house. Jake, Sarah, and I ended up talking and laughing until almost 12, when we all decided that we were exhausted. It was a fun night.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
A to Z's of Me
What does a person do when they fill in for reception? Why a Meme of course!
A-Age: 27
B-Bed size: Twin (used to be a double; how I miss it!)
C-Chore I love: dishes (except when I have to do every one's all the time)
D-Dessert you love: Um, chocolate anything. (Just don't put fruit in it; yuck!)
E-Essential start your day item(s): alarm clock, radio, prayer, and bathroom.
F-Favorite movie(s): Pride and Prejudice
G-Gold or Silver: Silver
H-Height: 5'4 and slowly shrinking
I-Instruments you play: None (wait, does singing count?)
J-Job Title: Database Administrator and general HR Assistant
K-Kids: six nieces and nephews
L-Living Arrangements: 2 roommates in a townhouse
M-Most important things in life: Family, family, oh, and family. Maybe books and music go along.
N-Nicknames: Jess, Aunt Jess, (She who will not be named or crossed :)
O-Obsessions: Books, reading, my "kids," chocolate
P-Phobia: Tall buildings, terrorists
Q-Quotes: "No one can make you have a bad day." Quote from Mom I try to remember.
R-Right or left handed: right handed
S-Siblings: One sister and three brothers; all excellent
T-Top 3 favorite activities: reading, playing with friends/family, creating things
U-Unique thing about me: health history, being unaware that I am singing to myself
V-Vegetable I hate: Most of them but especially peppers
W-World Travels: I have only been in the U.S. but I hope to go to Europe
X-X-men; what superpower would you want: flying and being a human lie detector
Y-Yummy food you remember from your childhood: Mom's homemade bread, rice pudding, and Roberts Christmas Drink.
Z-Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
A-Age: 27
B-Bed size: Twin (used to be a double; how I miss it!)
C-Chore I love: dishes (except when I have to do every one's all the time)
D-Dessert you love: Um, chocolate anything. (Just don't put fruit in it; yuck!)
E-Essential start your day item(s): alarm clock, radio, prayer, and bathroom.
F-Favorite movie(s): Pride and Prejudice
G-Gold or Silver: Silver
H-Height: 5'4 and slowly shrinking
I-Instruments you play: None (wait, does singing count?)
J-Job Title: Database Administrator and general HR Assistant
K-Kids: six nieces and nephews
L-Living Arrangements: 2 roommates in a townhouse
M-Most important things in life: Family, family, oh, and family. Maybe books and music go along.
N-Nicknames: Jess, Aunt Jess, (She who will not be named or crossed :)
O-Obsessions: Books, reading, my "kids," chocolate
P-Phobia: Tall buildings, terrorists
Q-Quotes: "No one can make you have a bad day." Quote from Mom I try to remember.
R-Right or left handed: right handed
S-Siblings: One sister and three brothers; all excellent
T-Top 3 favorite activities: reading, playing with friends/family, creating things
U-Unique thing about me: health history, being unaware that I am singing to myself
V-Vegetable I hate: Most of them but especially peppers
W-World Travels: I have only been in the U.S. but I hope to go to Europe
X-X-men; what superpower would you want: flying and being a human lie detector
Y-Yummy food you remember from your childhood: Mom's homemade bread, rice pudding, and Roberts Christmas Drink.
Z-Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Sunday, June 03, 2007


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