I would encourage everyone to take a look in your fridge and see what's growing. You never know what exciting things you'll find.
Tanner didn't know what to make of me for the first little while. It had obviously been too long since I saw him.I actually read like this too. I'm glad Sid likes to read and sing.
Lauren was really excited to eat her chocolate dessert.
Wyatt liked the cake too.
It was funny to see how Wyatt and Lauren liked the musical birthday cards that I got for Mom and Jeremy. (Oh right; we were celebrating birthdays, not me getting to see everyone.) I can't wait until this coming weekend, when I will get to see my family again. On Thursday night, I will be able to babysit Lauren while her parents and mine go to a play.
While this may seem like a lot of shows, please note that I don't feel that I must see each of these shows every week. I would like to, and at some point I may see the back episodes. What are your favorite tv shows?