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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

TV shows

I was talking to someone about tv today and I realized that most of the stuff on tv isn't worth watching. That being said, there are a couple of shows that I like to watch. Here they are (along with the days they usually are seen on):
  • How I met Your Mother (Monday)
  • House (Tuesday)
  • Fringe (Tuesday...I've only seen only episode but I like it so far)
  • Pushing Daisies (Wednesday)
  • Private Practice (Wednesday)
  • CSI: NY (Wednesday)
  • Grey's Anatomy (Thursday)
  • The Office (Thursday)
  • Life (Friday)
  • Numb3rs (Friday)
  • Cold Case (Sunday)

While this may seem like a lot of shows, please note that I don't feel that I must see each of these shows every week. I would like to, and at some point I may see the back episodes. What are your favorite tv shows?


TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

I'm right there with you on The Office. So funny. I also like 30 Rock, and used to like Lost, but it's just too much for me lately. I also really like Ace of Cake and Unwrapped on the Food Network. Unless it's night, and I'm hungry. Then those are just dangerous.

S said...

-Private Practice
-Law & Order (all of them)
-Extreme Makeover : Home Edition
-Anything on HGTV when I'm visiting my parents (since we only get 8 channels or so)

Nana J said...

30 Rock - it Rocks!
Grey's Anatomy
Brothers and Sisters
Samantha Who - one of the funniest shows I have seen in a long time
Ugly Betty
Desperate Housewives

I have hardly watched TV this summer since I think reality shows are boring and people look like such fools on them. I guess many would say the same about the soap opera-ish dramas I enjoy.

Scrappy said...

I agree with the first four on your list. I also have been watching Prison Break lately. It is sometimes a little much for me, but is fun to watch. I am also totally loving the shows like So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars.
I am like you and I am not too worried about missing them, but I guess I have a DVR so it isn't even an issue anymore....but even if I didn't I would be fine.
What a fun little post. I hope it gets a lot of comments. I would like to see what others watch.

Jennifer said...

We share a couple of favorites, although they're ones I rarely see on a regular basis. I love The Office , House, N3mbers and How I Met Your Mother. The Amazing Race is also one of my favorites. I'm glad real TV is back.

Shem said...

We love Two and a half Men. CRACKS ME UP>

Allyson said...

You have good taste in TV shows!

Megan said...

I love The Biggest Loser, Monk, Psych, Smallville, Heroes and So You Think You Can Dance. The first and last are the only ones that I feel I must watch in the season in which they are shown. The others I am a few behind in.