Optic Nerve Drusen
This is a picture of my eyes. I have Optic Nerve Drusen. Oddly enough, I think it is very pretty how my eyes are slowly becoming calcified. I recently read a blog that a young man wrote about his sister who was just diagnosed with Optic Nerve Drusen. He was wondering if anyone had pictures of it. I do.
In December of 2002, I started having horrible migraine headaches. I thought that maybe I needed glasses because my eyesight had become slightly fuzzy. I went to my optomitrist. He did a bunch of tests, then gave me the name of something that he thought I was suffering from. It was a long and scary name that I immediately researched. (The problems with being a librarian.) It turned out that it was a type of brain tumor. Since my optomitrist had made an appointment for me at the Moran Eye Center, I decided to try to keep this bad news to myself. For days I thought I might have a brain tumor. When I had my hours-long appointment at the Moran Eye Center in January of 2003, I was told that I have a genetic disorder called Optic Nerve Drusen. It means that my optic nerves are slowly calcifying. One day they will be solid and I will go blind. Hopefully this will not happen for another fifty or sixty years since I am only in my 20's. Still, I think this picture of my optic nerves is pretty.

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