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Saturday, April 28, 2007
A garden
Monday, April 23, 2007
Grrrr! Sunday can be hard.
I took all the my visual aides and quotes and mentally prepared myself to face a room of nice, but not well known people. Before Relief Society started, I approached one of the counselors in the RS presidency. She was confused when I said that I would be filling in for Sarah, especially since Sarah wasn't supposed to teach until next week. I was dismayed knowing that I had prepared a lesson that I would never teach. At first I was mad, but then I saw it as a growing experience. I learned a lot while I preparing the lesson. Elder Holland's talk is amazing. The idea that harsh words can cut as badly as a whip can be a startling revelation. Plus, I will always have Sarah double check the date of a lesson when she asks me to fill in for her.
It was so cold when Camille and I got home from church, I finally turned on the furnace. I went visiting teaching to see Cassie and then came home to make dinner. At 8:30 I went to ward prayer while Camille went over to Dave's house. Ward prayer was fun. Keri, Jake, and I spent over a half an hour talking about life and the possibility of people from the ward getting together for a trip to the Shakespearean Festival. By the end of Sunday, I was exhausted. I was in bed early to prepare for my early Monday shift at work. Because of new employee orientation, I went to work early to help my boss set up.
Thus ends this blog. I am exhausted after a long day of work, grocery shopping, going to the library, writing blog entries, and going to Family Home Evening. Goodnight dear readers.
A visit to Tahitian Noni
On Saturday afternoon I had the opportunity to go to a wedding shower for Christine, a fiancee of my cousin. They will be married in May. I must admit that I spent most of the time playing with my darling niece and nephew. Sidney and Isaac kept me busy. I most magical moment was when the three of us went outside to visit a dog. Dexter would bark and then Sidney would bark back. Then Isaac would laugh. A baby's laugh is the most magical of all sounds. After the shower, a bunch of the Roberts Clan went to dinner at the Tahitian Noni Cafe. The food was pretty good and Sidney loved the purple rolls. The greatest part about the meal was the garden tour after the meal. While Grandpa and Grandma sat for a while, Diane, Larry, Nancy, Mom, Dad, Sidney and I walked around. Sidney and I had a great time exploring. The streams and ponds were beautiful, and ran around hiding from Mom and Dad. When it was time to leave, Sidney and I threw some pennies into the fountain in the foyer of the building. She made a wish for her little brother and her parents. It was darling. I miss spending time with my nieces and nephews. When I got home I decided to finish preparing my Relief Society lesson. Sarah was supposed to teach part of the RS lesson on Sunday but wouldn't be back from Arizona in time. She asked me to fill in so I spent my Saturday night preparing an excellent lesson on Elder Holland's Conference talk. Camille and Dave came home and I went to bed to the sounds of their voices.

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Birthday party
On Friday night I headed up to Salt Lake City to attend a birthday party. First, Ryan and I went to dinner at Paradise Bakery. May I suggest this wonderful place to anyone who is in the Sugarhouse area. It is on 21st south. I had a great sandwich/salad combo and an amazing brownie for dessert. After dinner we stopped by Wes' house to wish him a happy birthday (I don't know him that well.) Afterwards we went over to Brian's house where Ryan P. was celebrating his 30th birthday. I got him a DVD of older cartoons and a lovely card. The following pictures are of Ryan R., my best friend, with Dozer the dog in the foreground, and Ryan P. and Curtis talking about some interesting subject. I ended up staying much longer than I should have. I didn't get home until 1:15 am, where I was met by Dave and Camille watching tv. Sarah is still on a business trip. I miss her.

Saturday, April 21, 2007
Home Evening

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Weekend report
The weekend report includes the following: a wonderful dinner at Cafe Trio, playing with my darling niece and nephew on Saturday, dinner with the family, church, and ward prayer. My weekend started off with my getting off work at 5pm. I drove to Salt Lake for some fun with friends. Dinner was at a lovely cafe called Cafe Trio. The food was wonderful. I had the baked penne with the rosemary flat bread for an appetizer. Afterwards, Ryan and I went to an Internet cafe and hung out while talking, listen to music, and reading. I was home by 1 am, where I found Camille and a date on the couch watching a movie. On Saturday morning I drove to Bountiful to help clean up Grandma's yard. I ended up taking Lauren on a walk, where she proceeded become very annoyed with me when I wouldn't let her eat a pine cone. When we returned, Alison and Isaac joined the group. Dad, Mom, John, Jen, and Josh had worked hard so we all decided to go to dinner at Plates and Palates. So Mom, Dad, Jen, John, Lauren, Josh, Brooke, Tanner, Alison, Isaac, and I ate a wonderful dinner payed for by our dear father (or father-in-law.) Afterwards, we all went our separate way. Mom and Dad went to see Grandma J, who is in the hospital, and I drove home. I was so tired that I didn't go out to play.
Church was wonderful as always. Thus ends the report; not very poetic, but still completed.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sarah paints
Here are some picture of some paintings that my roommate, Sarah, has painted in the last couple of days.
She did them for a project at work, but I think they are great. She faded the colors and then painted the designs over them. The pictures were taken before the green one was finished. It ended up looking kind of like a green lotus flower. I can't decide which one is my favorite. What do all you think?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Red devil and the tow truck

Book reviews

Saturday, April 07, 2007
Clothesline Project
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Thursday update

I read a cute children's book entitled Not a Box by A. Portis. It reminded me of stories that Mom has told me about her childhood. Grandpa used to bring home cardboard boxes that his children would play with. This book is about a cute little rabbit that has a similar experience.
If any of you are interested, I did not get the job at the library on the BYU campus. I am disappointed, but am sure there is a good reason that I didn't get it. Life continues in my little apartment. Sarah, Camille, and I are going to try to cook an Easter dinner together. I am not sure what it will be but I will probably plan the menu today.
Seven Wonders
1. Grand Canyon
2. Amazon River
3. Himalayas
4. Niagara Falls
5. Ayres Rock
6. Sahara Desert
7. Great Barrier Reef
Seven wonders of the Ancient World
1. Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) at Giza
2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
3. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
4. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
5. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
6. The Colossus of Rhodes
7. The Pharos of Alexandria
Seven wonders of our family
1. Sidney
2. Caleb
3. Wyatt
4. Lauren
5. Isaac
6. Tanner
7. That we all love each other and get along
April birthdays
Monday, April 02, 2007
Conference and Ice Cream

Other than Elder Hollands talk, two other talks have immediately struck me. They are Pres. Faust's talk on forgiveness which mentioned the Amish, and Pres. Hinckley's testimony. I enjoyed all the talks and look forward to reading all of them in the next issue of the Ensign.