Here are some picture of some paintings that my roommate, Sarah, has painted in the last couple of days.
She did them for a project at work, but I think they are great. She faded the colors and then painted the designs over them. The pictures were taken before the green one was finished. It ended up looking kind of like a green lotus flower. I can't decide which one is my favorite. What do all you think?

What is she using them for? They look great.
They are all cool-kudos to cousin Sarah (does she have a blog, by the way?) I tend to go for the reds and oranges, though, so I think that is my favorite. Although the blue bubbles are pretty neat, too. I don't know!!!
She is using them for some kind of decorating contest to promote a new product.
They are all great - incredibly colorful. I think the orange and red one is my favorite though.
I like the orange one best, but can see how all of them can be used for launching a product. Sarah is very talented.
My favorites are the green and blue.
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